The materials for the session can be found on the PowerPoint (“Fake People”). The PowerPoint has notes which outline the content and other information which might be useful. This session should take around 60 minutes to complete, but please feel free to be flexible on timings depending on student interest.

You will need a projector to show the slides and to be able to play the videos. Videos are embedded, but the links to the original YouTube videos can also be found in the notes section in case of any issues. You do not need any special equipment for this session. However, there was a suggestion from the young people that the final activity could be an ‘exit pass’ where students need to write their answer on a post it and stick it onto the door when they leave. If you choose to do this, you will need post-it notes. If not, then this can be done as a discussion.

The aims of this session are to teach students:

  • Consider how to spot who might be a ‘fake person’ online
  • Consider who you should trust on social media for different types of information
  • Understand what social blade and other tools you can use to verify people online are

NB in this session we focus on spotting ‘fake people’ online rather than on why people might pretend to be someone they are not online. Online bullying/grooming etc are of course very important topics, but not ones we focus on in this session.



  • The session starts with the SHARE guidelines. Please remind students of these from the last session.
  • There is then a short video where Phoebe and Harriotte discuss their experiences of fake profiles online, for example Phoebe had her account cloned and Harriotte discusses how to use social blade to spot fake accounts. (5 minutes).
  • There is then a short discussion section where students can talk about what they might do to spot fake people on social media. (5 minutes). There are some answers posted on the following slide.
  • Carley then discusses some issues about staying safe online, she used to be anonymous online and did not show her face, in order to maintain her privacy. She also discusses how influencers, even those you trust, might promote brands because they are paid to do so. (5 minutes).
  • The main activity involves showing students different profiles and asking them to discuss whether they can trust them, why, and what sort of topics you might trust them on (around 30 minutes). Different profiles are showcased with discussion questions. After each example slide, we give an answer slide which includes some points which the students could have discussed.
  • The final activity is a short quiz. These are all yes and no questions so students can show thumbs up or thumbs down to answer or you can play ‘Corners’ and ask them to move to the corner to answer the questions. (5 minutes). The answers and example rationale are shown after each question.
  • There is a closing question which you can use as an exit pass, asking students to write an answer on a post it to place on the door when they leave. Alternatively, you can ask them to call out answers and note them on the slides/board. You can skip this if you are low on time.
  • There is a final slide on how they can use the information they have learned in their other lessons. Please feel free to edit this so it fits with other curricula.

The next session will focus on Fake Stories, i.e., conspiracy theories.